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Arkana Physician Spotlight: Dr. Hennigar

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Jun 04, 2018

Dr. Hennigar, Arkana Laboratories Doctors, renal pathologists

Dr. Randolph Hennigar joined Arkana Laboratories following many years at Emory University Hospital where he served as an associate professor, director of the laboratory of nephropathology and electron microscopy, and co-director of autopsy services. Dr. Hennigar received his MD and PhD from the Medical University of South Carolina, followed by residency training in anatomic pathology and fellowship in molecular oncology and nephropathology at Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine. At Arkana, Dr. Hennigar leads our cross-functional quality improvement team, and has been instrumental in implementing quality improvement initiatives in all departments utilizing principals of Lean technology and Six Sigma. Additionally, Dr. Hennigar spearheads our biorepository development process and oversees this department. Because of his extensive knowledge in kidney transplant pathology and clinical patient management in the setting of rejection, he can often be found helping with interpretation of his colleagues most challenging transplant cases.

At Arkana, Dr. Hennigar is a bit of a prankster and comedian. He is often causing good-spirited mischief or bringing a bit of laughter to a tense moment or difficult situation. In Dr. Hennigar, we are blessed to have not only an excellent thought leader and diagnostician, but also one of those rare souls who sees the humor in all situations and takes the time to bring a smile to our face every opportunity he gets.

Quick note: This post is to be used for informational purposes only and does not constitute medical or health advice. Each person should consult their own doctor with respect to matters referenced. Arkana Laboratories assumes no liability for actions taken in reliance upon the information contained herein.