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(3 Results)
ANCA Disease, LECT2 Amyloid, IgG4-Related Disease, AL amyloidosis, ANCA, digging deeper, Dr. Messias, Arkana Laboratories, pathology diseases
Digging Deeper

A Case of an Unlucky Strike

This biopsy was from a 57-year-old African American female patient. She presented with a gradual increase in serum creatinine over…

By Nidia Messias, MD
intravascular diffuse large B-cell lymphoma, arkana laboratories, pushing glass, renal pathology
Pushing Glass

Pushing Glass (March 13, 2018)

A 65-year-old male presents with mild proteinuria and a sudden increase in creatinine. He was recently diagnosed with widely metastatic…

Michael Kuperman, MD renal pathologist at arkana laboratories
By Michael Kuperman, MD
Intravascular Large B Cell Lymphoma, stained positive for CD20
Teaching Points

Intravascular Large B Cell Lymphoma

A 75-year-old woman presented for her annual checkup with no complaints. She had a past medical history of hypertension and…