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All in a day’s work

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By Chassity Jordan

Oct 18, 2018

Less than a week until American Society of Nephrology‘s #kidneywk!

This year we are asking what “All in a day’s work” means to you.

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Kayleigh works in our lab, and here is her response:

Besides baking the coolest kidney cookies you’ve ever seen, what does “All in a day’s work” mean to Jillian?


‪For Sudhir, #allinadayswork means serum testing for PLA2R, THSD7A, and ABBA.

Quick note: This post is to be used for informational purposes only and does not constitute medical or health advice. Each person should consult their own doctor with respect to matters referenced. Arkana Laboratories assumes no liability for actions taken in reliance upon the information contained herein.