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(3 Results)
Embryonal Hyperplasia of Bowman's Capsule Epithelium
Teaching Points

Embryonal Hyperplasia of Bowman’s Capsule Epithelium

H&E and PAS-stained sections from the kidney of an 8-year-old male with advanced nephrosclerosis of unknown etiology. An exuberant proliferation…

Diffuse Mesangial Sclerosis
Teaching Points

Diffuse Mesangial Sclerosis

This is a renal biopsy from a 6-year-old male with one-year history of steroid-resistant nephrotic syndrome. The urine protein/creatinine ratio…

embryonal hyperplasia/metaplasia of Bowman’s
Teaching Points

Embryonal Hyperplasia of Bowman’s

H&E and PAS-stained sections from the kidney of an 8-year-old male with advanced nephrosclerosis of unknown etiology. An exuberant proliferation…