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Muscle Pain

Clinical History The patient is a 54-year-old man with lower extremity pain and edema, weakness and fever following a respiratory…

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Collidescope Episode 4 | A Collision Case with IgA and IgG4

What happens when two diseases occur at the same time? Does one influence the other? How is kidney function affected?…

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Granulomatous Myositis

Clinical History The patient is a 59-year-old woman with progressive weakness x 3 years. Past medical history includes COPD improved…

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Smartphone-Based Machine Learning Model for Real-Time Assessment of Medical Kidney Biopsy

We developed a machine learning model to perform binary classification of smartphone images of kidney biopsy tissue, based on the…

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Neuropathy Associated with Amyloid

Clinical History: This 66-year old patient presented with clinical features of mononeuropathy. Sural nerve biopsy showed features of a chronic…

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Myophosphorylase Deficiency

Clinical History This 25-year-old patient presented with episodes of fatigue, myalgias and muscle weakness following even low-level exertion. These symptoms…

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Brain Mass

Clinical History The 40-year-old immunocompromised patient was found to have a frontal lobe mass. What is your diagnosis? Correct Answer:…

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Incidental Finding

Clinical History: This 50-year-old patient clinically presented with muscle weakness and elevated CPK. Myositis specific autoantibody panel was positive for…

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River Charles, MD

Dr. River Charles joined our physician staff after the successful completion of his renal pathology fellowship at ArkanaLabs.He completed his…

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Rachelle Gietzen, MD

Dr. Rachelle Gietzen joins our staff following the completion of her fellowship training in renal pathology at Arkana Labs. During…

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Diagnose This 4/29/2024

What would be your leading Dx and subtype based on the Congo red image above showing deposition predominately in the…

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Starch Granules

Clinical History: This 50-year-old patient underwent muscle biopsy to evaluate for muscle weakness. What is the material seen outside of…

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