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(6 Results)
Diagnose This!
Diagnose This (April 25, 2022)
This is an IgG IF viewed under both fluorescent and polarized light from a patient with AKI following endovascular procedure.…
Teaching Points
Cholesterol Microemboli
Cholesterol emboli involving the kidney may manifest clinically as acute kidney injury, hematuria, proteinuria (both non-nephrotic and nephrotic range), and…
Teaching Points
A PAS section shows an atheroembolus occluding an artery (arrow) with an adjacent ischemic appearing glomerulus. Atheroemboli appears as slit-like…
Pushing Glass
Pushing Glass (September 6, 2017)
A 70-year-old man undergoes kidney biopsy because of worsening renal function. His medical history is otherwise significant for hyperlipidemia, type…
Teaching Points
A PAS section shows an atheroembolus occluding an artery (arrow) with an adjacent ischemic appearing glomerulus. Atheroemboli appear as slit-like…