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(6 Results)Weakness and Paresthesia
Clinical History: This 52-year-old patient presented with increased weakness and mildly painful paresthesias. Imaging showed hilar adenopathy and a rheumatology…
Vasculitic Myopathy
This 50-year-old patient presented with fever and bilateral leg myalgias. Laboratory studies showed elevated ESR (120) and normal CPK. On…
Toluidine Blue Stained Thick Section
This 75-year-old patient presented with complaints of numbness, tingling and burning sensation involving his right lower extremity below the level…
Glomerulus Showing Fibrocellular Crescent
Todays eyeSCANdy image shows acellular scanning EM with a glomerulus showing a fibrocellular crescent (bottom). Photo credits to Dr. Stephen…
Digging Deeper – Here, There, and Everywhere
This biopsy came from an elderly gentleman in his 80s, who presented with acute renal failure. His serum creatinine had…
Diagnose This (August 20, 2018)
What is your presumed diagnosis in the absence of immunofluorescence and electron microscopy? …