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(15 Results)
Unresolved Etiologies: When the Clinical Acumen Takes Place
Dr. Silva comments on several diagnostic dilemmas where the pathology pattern leads to a plethora of possibilities.

Art of Medicine: Anti-Brush Border Antibody Disease
The above painting shows massive tubular basement membrane (electron dense on EM) deposits along proximal tubules with sparing of the…

Twitter Poll (August 7, 2019)
ANSWER: D, AIN The most common finding on kidney biopsies in patients with immune checkpoint inhibitors (ICPIs)induced AKI is acute…

Disease Week: Renal Manifestations of Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD)
Monday Extraintestinal manifestations of inflammatory bowel disease are common and involve nearly every organ system. Renal and urinary involvement has…

IgG4 Membranous
First identified in the pancreas as autoimmune pancreatitis, the IgG4-related disease is now known to affect many organs and body…

Interstitial Eosinophils
Prominent interstitial eosinophils (see arrow) are most often associated with allergic-type acute interstitial nephritis (AIN). However, interstitial eosinophils are not…

Sjgrens syndrome is an autoimmune disease involving primarily the lacrimal and salivary glands. However, up to 27% of patients will…

Granulomatous Interstitial Nephritis
The photomicrograph shows an interstitial granuloma from a case of granulomatous interstitial nephritis. The presence of granulomas within interstitial nephritis…

Chronic Active Tubulointerstitial Nephritis
Chronic tubulointerstitial nephritis in children may be secondary to a number of possible etiologies such as drug and other exogenous…

Megalocytic Interstitial Nephritis
This biopsy shows a chronic active interstitial nephritis with numerous interstitial foamy macrophages containing abundant PAS-positive cytoplasmic granules (Fig 1-3).…

Tubulointerstitial Nephritis with Uveitis
Tubulointerstitial nephritis with uveitis (TINU) was first described as a distinct entity by Dobrin, et al. in 1975. TINU primarily…

Chronic Interstitial Nephritis
Chronic interstitial nephritis is a diagnosis made on renal biopsy when interstitial inflammation is present in a background of fibrosis…

Eosinophil-Rich Inflammation in Diabetic Glomerulopathy
These photomicrographs are from a patient with diabetic nephropathy as evidenced by the Kimmelstiel-Wilson nodules in the glomerulus present on…

Renal parenchyma with florid interstitial fibrosis with thick bands of sclerosis expanding the interstitium and pushing the tubules apart on…