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(16 Results)
Myopathy in Acute Lymphoma
Neuro Notes

Myopathy in Acute Lymphoma

Clinical History This 77-year-old patient presented with atrophy of the cranial and extremity muscles, dysphagia, and multiple falls. Past medical…

Amyloid C5b-9
Neuro Notes

Amyloid C5b-9

Clinical History: This 64-year-old patient presents with progressive distal bilateral upper and lower extremity numbness and pain. They also reported…

TTR gene
Neuro Notes

Hereditary Amyloid Neuropathy

Elderly female with amyloid neuropathy of the sural nerve. Cross-sections of the left sural nerve prepared from formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded (FFPE)…

By Kelly Mrachek, MD

Amyloid Proximal Tubulopathy
Diagnose This!

Diagnose This (August 2, 2021)

This biopsy is from a 61yo male with DM, CHF, CKD4, and an abnormal SPEP. UMOD IHC was negative. What…

ALECT2 Amyloidosis, arkana laboratories, renal pathology
Teaching Points

ALECT2 Amyloidosis

The patient is a 75-year-old Hispanic male who presents with progressively worsening kidney function and a creatinine of 1.6 mg/dl…

Michael Kuperman, MD renal pathologist at arkana laboratories
By Michael Kuperman, MD
AL-type Amyloidosis, arkana laboratories, diagnose this, renal path, kidney path, nephropath, chronic kidney disease
Diagnose This!

Diagnose This (April 1, 2019)

What is your diagnosis?     …

By L. Nich Cossey, MD

ANCA Disease, LECT2 Amyloid, IgG4-Related Disease, AL amyloidosis, ANCA, digging deeper, Dr. Messias, Arkana Laboratories, pathology diseases
Digging Deeper

Step By Step

The biopsy is from a 65 year-old female who presented with acute renal failure and elevated creatinine up to 1.9…

By Nidia Messias, MD
IgA nephropathy in renal biopsy from Arkana Laboratories
Teaching Points

IgA nephropathy with something extra…

The biopsy is from a 61-year-old man with a history of intermittent microscopic hematuria for many years who presents with…

Amyloidosis, ALect2-Type, arkana laboratories, pushing glass
Pushing Glass

Pushing Glass (April 6, 2018)

A 75-year-old Hispanic male presents with a creatinine of 3. His creatinine has slowly been creeping up over the last…

Michael Kuperman, MD renal pathologist at arkana laboratories
By Michael Kuperman, MD

AAPOAI Amyloidosis
Twitter Poll

Twitter Poll (March 21, 2018)

ANSWER: B AAPOAI Amyloidosis is the 2nd most common systemic hereditary amyloidosis which can be seen in kidney, liver, larynx,…

By Vanessa Moreno, MD
Amyloid Fibril Deposits
Twitter Poll

Twitter Poll (September 12, 2017)

Answer: C Amyloid fibrils typically measure 8-12 nm (answer C). The deposits seen in Immunotactoid glomerulopathy are composed by tubules…

By Vanessa Moreno, MD
AA Amyloid
Teaching Points

AA Amyloid

This biopsy from a patient with massive proteinuria showed diffuse and near-global involvement of glomeruli by amorphous deposits (Fig. 1)…

Pushing Glass

Pushing Glass (July 25, 2017)

The patient is a 64-year-old female who presents with 4.5 grams of proteinuria, hematuria, and a creatinine of 1.5. She…

Michael Kuperman, MD renal pathologist at arkana laboratories
By Michael Kuperman, MD
Congo Red Stain
Teaching Points

Congo Red Stain

Importance of the congo red stain The ability to detect amyloid deposits in human tissue is the critical first step…

Amyloid Composed of Leukocyte Chemotactic Factor 2 (LECT2)
Teaching Points


Photomicrographs show extensive interstitial and glomerular deposition of Congo red positive material that stains positive for LECT2. Despite being one…