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(9 Results)
Active vasculitis with fibrinoid necrosis
Neuro Notes

Muscle Pain

Clinical History The patient is a 54-year-old man with lower extremity pain and edema, weakness and fever following a respiratory…

AA Amyloidosis, glomerular crescent
Renal Review

Case 2: A Crescentic Conundrum

The patient is a 75-year-old female with a history of hypertension who presents with acute kidney injury. Her serum creatinine…

Disintegrating Capillary Loop

Disintegrating Capillary Loop Riddled with Microperformations

This acellular scanning EM shows disintegrating capillary loop riddled with microperformations in a patient with crescentic glomerulonephritis. Photo credits to…

Anti-GBM disease, twitter poll, arkana laboratories
Twitter Poll

Twitter Poll (December 11, 2019)

Answer: D, All of the Above Anti-GBM disease presents with rapidly progressive glomerulonephritis (GN) with or without pulmonary hemorrhage. On…

By Vanessa Moreno, MD
focal fibrinoid necrosis, IgA, Crescentic IgA Nephropathy, chronic kidney disease, Arkana Laboratories
Teaching Points

Crescentic IgA nephropathy

Focal crescentic IgA nephropathy The patient is a 17-year-old white female who presents with 2.85 grams/24 hr proteinuria, microscopic hematuria,…

ANCA-Mediated Vasculitis
Diagnose This!

Diagnose This (August 20, 2018)

What is your presumed diagnosis in the absence of immunofluorescence and electron microscopy? …

By L. Nich Cossey, MD

ANCA Disease, LECT2 Amyloid, IgG4-Related Disease, AL amyloidosis, ANCA, digging deeper, Dr. Messias, Arkana Laboratories, pathology diseases
Digging Deeper

Digging Deeper, Literally

This biopsy came from a 79-year-old patient. He had presented with acute renal failure. His serum creatinine was up to…

By Nidia Messias, MD
ANCA-mediated disease
Diagnose This!

Diagnose This (June 18, 2018)

In the presence of a negative immunofluorescence panel, what is your diagnosis? …

By L. Nich Cossey, MD
fluorescence microscopy
Teaching Points

Evaluating Eosin-Stained Frozen Section Slides Using Fluorescence Microscopy

As published decades ago by Bonsib et al. (see reference), fluorescence microscopy of eosin-stained frozen section slides can be a…